This year is our 2nd year in business and a lot has changed. Martyn and I got hitched after 13 years together. This act was a revolution for us against the events of both the pandemic and the racial reckoning that continues with us today. So in the spring of last year, we decided to be more intentional with Top Cup Roasters; making me the face and roaster and beginning to create the kind of company we only thought could happen in our dreams. I worked in coffee for so many years at some of the most prestigious cafes in Portland and New York but, rarely if ever, saw people that looked like me on staff let alone as the roaster or business owner. Martyn with his many years as a roaster has our first year, training and educating me on roasting. It has been one of the best things to come out of 2020 for us.
While many things have changed, some remain the same. You can still count on Top Cup to be intentional about the coffees we purchase. We specialize in coffees from our favorite growing regions like South and Central America, the Sunda Islands, and Africa. These coffees are also coming from farmers that produce quality coffee cherry and put a lot of work into supporting their workers, giving back to their communities and the land, growing organic, and ultimately getting paid equitably for their coffee.
Your roaster,
Martyn Leaper | Owner and Mentor Roaster
Keia Booker | Owner and Roaster