Laura Junqueira is a third generation coffee farmer who, along with her father, Roberto Machado ("Beto"), run the 150 hectare farm, Fazenda São José Condado. The farm has stood much longer than the Junqueira family has owned it, dating back to the mid 1800's when the first coffee was planted and the original farm house was built. The farm is located just outside of Santa Rita do Sacupaí in the Mantiqueira Region of Minas Gerais. The land at São José is actually 508 hectares, much of which is still natural forest. It requires a fairly large team to manage just the part planted in coffee, and there are 22 permanent employees year round, as well as 100 seasonal workers who join for the harvest. The farm enjoys a modest altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, and is currently planted in Mundo Novo, Acaiá, Catuaí Amarelo, Catuaí Vermelho, Arara, and Catucaí. While much of Brazil coffee farmers have turned to harvesting machinery, the Junqueira family recognizes the importance of selecting ripe cherries in order to produce top grades, and has therefore chosen to stick with selective harvesting by hand. This lot is a pulp natural process which is about as close to a fully washed coffee as you will get in Brazil, and quite similar to a mild honey process method in Costa Rica. The coffee cherry and much of the fruit are removed with depulping machinery, and then the seed is laid to dry with fruit mucilage still intact. Pulp naturals often possess more balanced flavors than dry process coffee, less fruited, and can still be big-bodied and lower acid coffees, making them a great choice for espresso. This is another farmgate coffee that is great as espresso.
Cupping Notes: Honey-nut, zucchini bread, sesame cookie, and dried apple
Brew Recommendations: Drip, French press, pour-over and espresso
Varietals: Mundo Novo, Acaiá, Catuaí Amarelo, Arara, Catucaí
Region: Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais
Elevation: 1200 meters above sea level
Processing Method: Pulp natural and patio sun-dried
Equity and Transparency Pricing Levels
Sustaining Level: $16 per 12 oz bag (check out subscriptions for deep discounts) | More info below
Uplifting Level: $20 per 12 oz bag (check out subscriptions for deep discounts) | More info below
Benefacting Level: $24 per 12 oz bag (check out subscriptions for deep discounts) | More info below